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In this tutorial we are going to learn How to Query All GraphQL Type Fields Without Writing a Long Query in Laravel? GraphQL has revolutionized API development by providing a powerful and flexible way to query data.

However, when dealing with complex GraphQL schemas, constructing queries that fetch all the fields of a type can be a tedious and error-prone task.

In this blog post, we will explore how to query all the fields of a GraphQL type without writing a long query, specifically in the context of a Laravel application.

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Understanding GraphQL Introspection:

GraphQL Introspection is a powerful feature that allows clients to query the schema itself, retrieving information about the available types, fields, and their respective attributes.

Laravel, being a popular PHP framework, provides native support for GraphQL using packages like lighthouse-php and graphql-php. These packages offer built-in support for introspection queries, making it easier for us to fetch all the fields dynamically.

Leveraging Introspection Queries in Laravel:

To query all the fields of a GraphQL type in Laravel, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Install the Required Packages:

Start by setting up a Laravel project with GraphQL support. Install the lighthouse-php package using Composer:

composer require nuwave/lighthouse

Step 2: Define a Query to Fetch Type Fields:

Next, define a GraphQL query that fetches the fields of a specific type. In this example, we will fetch the fields of the User type:

query FetchUserFields {
  __type(name: "User") {
    fields {
      type {

Step 3: Implement the Resolver:

In Laravel, GraphQL queries are resolved using resolvers. Create a resolver method that executes the introspection query and returns the fields of the specified type:

use GraphQL\Type\Introspection;

class UserResolver
    public function fields()
        $introspectionQuery = Introspection::introspectionQuery();
        $result = GraphQL::query($introspectionQuery)->toArray();
        $fields = $result['data']['__type']['fields'];
        return $fields;

Step 4: Register the Resolver:

Register the resolver in your Laravel GraphQL configuration file (config/lighthouse.php). Add the resolver to the namespaces array under the resolvers section:

'resolvers' => [
    'namespaces' => [
    // ...

Step 5: Create a GraphQL Query:

Finally, create a GraphQL query that utilizes the resolver to fetch the fields of the User type:

type Query {
  userFields: [UserField!]!

type UserField {
  name: String!
  type: String!

Testing the Query:

After completing the setup, you can test the userFields query to fetch all the fields of the User type dynamically.

Run the query in your preferred GraphQL client, such as GraphQL Playground or Insomnia, and observe the results.

Also Read: How to use multiple databases in Laravel


Querying all the fields of a GraphQL type without writing a long query can save time and effort, especially in complex schemas.

In Laravel, we can leverage the power of GraphQL introspection to dynamically fetch the fields of a type.

By following the steps outlined in this blog post, you can implement a solution in your Laravel application that simplifies querying all the fields of a GraphQL type.

Using introspection queries and the Laravel ecosystem, you can unlock the full potential of GraphQL in your Laravel projects. Happy querying!

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